About me and my store!

Hello there! 

A little about me, My name is Kandis and I am the owner and founder of A-GateWay Apothecary. My dream is to spread love, light, and positivity through herbs and crystals.

I was always the kid that loved rocks growing up. Always picking up rocks and coming home with a heavy backpack full of “pretty rocks.” As I grew up and started learning more about my pretty rocks, I found that crystals hold amazing metaphysical properties and healing qualities going all the way back to ancient times.

I started having some pretty serious health issues in my early 20’s forcing me to take some pretty drastic measures to stay alive. After an oophorectomy (the removal of my ovaries) and surgically induced menopause, I was placed on synthetic hormones, which made me feel wack-a-doo. I went to see several bioidentical hormone specialists and endocrinologists. All had the same synthetic hormones that I did not react well to. So, I started down the rabbit hole of research and found myself looking into herbs, tinctures, and whole food remedies to help my body. In herbs and crystals I found healing, I found light, I found positivity. Now I am so excited to spread my knowledge with others!

Don't hesitate to reach out at: hello@agatewayapothecary.com

*Disclaimer* No one's journey is the same. I am not a doctor and this is not medical advice. I make no claims or guarantees of healing properties.